Spring is an interesting season to check out the famous park because of the myriads of daffodils that will paint the park yellow. On a sunny day, it would be safe to assume that everyone will troop down to the park to have a picnic, relax and recharge, read a book, or get an exercise. Careful though if you are prone to hay fever: fresh bloom flowers might become disagreeable to you.
Here are some tips on how to get the most of the Garden City:
1. One inexpensive relaxation technique is to lie down in a part of the park of your choosing and just stare at the sky. Don’t forget the sunscreen. Side note: do not stare directly at the sun, no relaxation there.
2. A picnic in the park is an excellent idea. The picturesque surroundings of the park go hand-in hand with warm rice and adobo. Make sure you have those thermal picnic bags to keep the warmth. Please don’t litter.
3. Do not forget bring your own water, there are no manongs roaming around selling ‘mineral’.
4. Biking is an excellent way to get around. It’s a good exercise, and you don’t contribute to global warming. If you don’t know how to ride bike, then there’s no excellent time to learn than now. Garage sales are the best places to get cheap bikes. Biking is prohibited INSIDE the Botanical Gardens though.
5. Take your dog with you to play in the park, they will love it. The exercise is good for you too.
6. Bring you SLRs and digital cameras; every shooting angle is worthy of a front cover of National Geographic.
7. Bring an extra bread to feed the ducks, or if you’re the playful type, feed the always-hungry sea gulls. They’ll take the food right out of your hand if you’ll let them. (Word of caution, if you feed one sea gull, prepare to meet all of his friends).
8. Refrain from smoking, anywhere. Not cool.
9. Just a few minutes walk away from the Hagley Park is the Arts Centre. Plenty of food, street performances, bargains, concerts, etc.
If beautiful well-maintained parks, postcard quality sceneries and clean, crisp air are your thing, then you can’t go wrong with the Garden City, Christchurch.
Tags: New Zealand