This is a heart-warming story of a journey of one Irish family from grief to redemption while adjusting to the life in the US. Told from the unique viewpoint of the incredibly talented 10-year-old Christy played by Sarah Bolger; it offers a fresh, innocent and surprisingly mature perspective in their life story.
The film takes on a whole range of emotions like grief, love, innocence, and acceptance, and it will not feel forced when you are watching the movie. You will honestly feel them through the scenes, dialogues, facial expressions, and musical score. Part reason for the story’s uniqueness is that it came from real life experiences of the director, Jim Sheridan, and her daughters.
The two children, Christy and Ariel, are the highlights of the film. Never have I seen such cute and talented actors. Ariel with her puppy eyes is so charming and unforgettable. Christy, though just ten years of age, has fire and wisdom in her eyes. They both exude first-rate talent.
The film was nominated and then accordingly won heaps of film awards as substantiation to the marvellous production this film is. This is not your average Hollywood film. This is a film of heart and soul. Watch this if you prefer an alternative to formulaic movies.
Tags: DVD