Please watch the clip before proceeding.
First as a backgrounder, a kiwi is a small flightless nocturnal bird. Strangely enough, the kiwi is also New Zealand's national symbol and identity.
The short film incites powerful emotions. You can see the short film in two distinct ways:
One, you may see it as the kiwi pursuing its dream of flight even to its death. We sometimes refuse to accept things we cannot change. We are born with a unique set of talents, and it takes wisdom to acknowledge your limitations. A kiwi, who has tiny wings, should not aspire for flight; their body is just not designed that way. It is a futile task and the kiwi will end up wasting a lot of time and effort. On the other hand, we should focus on the things we are good at, and excel on those.
Alternately, you may see it as the kiwi overcoming the impossible for its quest for flight. The kiwi has set its mind on a particular goal, and it gave its all for the realization of that goal. Technological advancements of today, all came from men and women who once had a goal, a goal deemed impossible during their times. They persevered and succeeded against all odds. As it turns out, our achievements will be limited by our goals.
We run into trouble when we get the two points mixed up. We held on when it is not for us and we gave up when we should have persevered. Life is indeed difficult, but this prayer might help:
to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.
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