Today Americans decide on who will be the next president of the United States of America. It is a big responsibility because they elect one of the most powerful men on Earth: the leader of a superpower, the president of the US.

The opinion polls puts Obama ahead of McCain, but it is foolhardy for Obama to be overconfident at this stage. The results of the election will be revealed soon, but in the meantime, the financial crisis is not waiting for the results. Bush still needs to foresee the US until the announcement of the winning candidate. The new president will then have to take the reins of a nation facing difficult times ahead. The alarming rise in unemployment, climate change and the housing slump are a few pressing issues that the new president will face.

I personally prefer Obama to McCain, because I feel McCain will just continue the same government that Bush started (being both Republicans). It was the Bush administration that invaded Iraq in response to the September 11 attack when clearly there is no connection. The Iraq war that continually bleeds millions of dollars that should have been used for the restoration of the economy.

While Obama’s race should not be an issue, I am afraid it is. Racists do exist, and many will not vote for Obama just because of his race. There have been rumours of attempts for Obama’s life (reminds me to watch 24 Season 1). This is very unfortunate because the man is very talented and I feel he will bring change. He believes in global cooperation and development, and not dominance through bullying. He wants peace, and he wants to talk to nations that do not agree with the US policies rather than go to war with them.

This is not a mark of cowardice, rather wisdom.


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